
Parsons Nature Reserve is part of the 40.000 Ha Balule Nature Reserve.
Balule Nature Reserve is located within the Greater Kruger National Park.
This means that it is part of the UNESCO proclaimed Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Reserve.
This Biosphere Reserve is the largest of its kind in the world.

Parsons Nature Reserve was formed some 12 years ago when a few landowners decided to follow the lead set by other farms in the area to drop their fences between their portions of land to create space for the abundant game to roam unhindered.
These landowners also, unselfishly, created a game drive route through their land for the benefit and enjoyment by owners and visitors.

The Parsons Nature Reserve is situated in the Savannah (bushveld) biome with a wide diversity of trees, shrubs and bird life. The reserve is home of the so called Big Five (Buffalo, Elephant, Lion, Leopard and Rhino) but also houses many other animals like Hippo, Crocodile, Giraffe, Zebra, Baboon, Jackal, Hyena as well as abundant plains game.

It is not unusual to see Elephants wandering across the Olifants River.

The reserve is situated 40 km north of Hoedspruit and approximately 45 km from Phalaborwa both having their own airport.

Emhosheni lodge can only be reached via a 12,4 km dirt road.

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